
365 Education Quotes


Shocking Statistics: An Average American Reads 1 Book a Year and 50% of those are Romance Novelsā€¦

Look! I do not know who you are but I am sure you are on this page right now because you are someone who wants more. You are someone who do not settle for average. You see, I totally understand the desire to want to learn and yet dread reading a long and thick book at the same time! That is why we created this bookā€¦

More about this book:

Formal education will make you a living but Self Education will make you a fortune.

Congratulations for picking this book up. By picking this book up, youā€™ve declared to the world that you are someone who pursues self-education. You are someone who wants moreā€¦ more happiness, more money, more love, more sex, more business success and more fulfillmentā€¦

And that is pretty damn awesome. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

The 365 Quotes that will be unveiled to you are quotes that will inspire, empower and support you in your journey of never ending and continuous growth and improvement.

Take them, use them and exploit them to help you achieve the wildest dreams that you have.

Act Now by Clicking the ā€œBuy Now With 1-Clickā€ Button at the Top of This Page Right Now!

P.S. Hereā€™s another shocking statistic: ā€œ50% of American adults canā€™t read a book written at an eighth grade level.ā€

P.P.S. I absolutely know that these statistics arenā€™t you. Act Now by Clicking the ā€œBuy Now With 1-Clickā€ Button at the Top of This Page Right Now!