What if all events—big and small, good and bad—are governed by more than just blind chance? What if they are governed by God? In this theologically informed and philosophically nuanced introduction to the study of probability and chance, Vern Poythress argues that all events—including the seemingly random or accidental—fall under God's watchful gaze and are part of his eternal plan. Poythress tackles questions related to everything from natural disasters to the roll of the dice, explaining how God's sovereignty functions as the lens through which we study subjects such as science, mathematics, modern physics, evolutionary biology, human choice, and gambling. Comprehensive in its scope, this book lays the theistic foundation for our scientific assumptions about the world while addressing personal questions about the meaning and significance of everyday events.
Biblical Typology : How the Old Testament Points to Christ, His Church, and the Consummation
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bookRedeeming Reason : A God-Centered Approach
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bookTruth, Theology, and Perspective : An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine
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bookInterpreting Eden : A Guide to Faithfully Reading and Understanding Genesis 1-3
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bookThe Lordship of Christ : Serving Our Savior All of the Time, in All of Life, with All of Our Heart
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bookReading the Word of God in the Presence of God : A Handbook for Biblical Interpretation
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bookThe Miracles of Jesus : How the Savior's Mighty Acts Serve as Signs of Redemption
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bookRedeeming Mathematics : A God-Centered Approach
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bookRedeeming Philosophy : A God-Centered Approach to the Big Questions
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