In this first alternate history novel of the sequel series to Harry Turtledove's acclaimed Worldwar saga, the space race is in its infancy in the 1960s and Earth faces alien colonization. Yet the United States, Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany are too locked in conflict to unite against the invaders.
Prince of the North
Harry Turtledove
Harry Turtledove
audiobookThe Scepter's Return
Harry Turtledove
audiobookThe Chernagor Pirates
Harry Turtledove
audiobookThe Bastard King
Harry Turtledove
audiobookWages of Sin
Harry Turtledove
audiobookOr Even Eagle Flew
Harry Turtledove
audiobookOther Covenants
Harry Turtledove, Robert Silverberg, Lavie Tidhar, Esther Alter, Gwynne Garfinkle, Elana Gomel, Rivqa Rafael, Jack Dann
bookRuled Britannia
Harry Turtledove
audiobookIn the Presence of Mine Enemies
Harry Turtledove
audiobookAgent of Byzantium
Harry Turtledove
audiobookA Different Flesh
Harry Turtledove
Ice Station Zebra
Alistair MacLean
audiobookTom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung
Victor Appleton
audiobookWar of the Worlds
H. G. Wells
audiobookbookThe City at World's End
Edmond Hamilton
audiobookbookA Fall of Moondust
Arthur C. Clarke
audiobookLost in Time
A.G. Riddle
Mark Alpert
audiobookThe Time Machine (Unabridged)
H. G. Wells
audiobookThe Ultimate Weapon
John W.
audiobookbookThe Dawn of a Nazi Moon
Douglas MacKinnon
audiobookDark Energy
T.R. Harris
Devon C. Ford