In the distant future, when Earth and Mars are on the verge of war, the last Earthmen departing the red planet are held up by Martian soldiers searching for three saboteurs who destroyed an entire Martian city—an event that will quickly bring the precarious interplanetary conflict to a head.
Philip K. Dick
bookAfter the End - Dystopian Book Set
Philip K. Dick
bookThe Divine Invasion : Valis, Book 2
Philip K. Dick
audiobookNow Wait for Last Year
Philip K. Dick
audiobookTime Out of Joint
Philip K. Dick
audiobookVoices from the Street
Philip K. Dick
audiobookThe Transmigration of Timothy Archer : Valis, Book 3
Philip K. Dick
audiobookThe Cosmic Puppets
Philip K. Dick
audiobookThe Zap Gun
Philip K. Dick
audiobookGalactic Pot-Healer
Philip K. Dick
audiobookThe Crack in Space
Philip K. Dick
audiobookFlow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Philip K. Dick