The year is 1929, and Quentin Collins finds himself in Chicago, captivated by the city's energy and the prospect of a new love. Drawn into the twilight world of speakeasies and organized crime at the Arcadia Club, he becomes embroiled with owner Chandres Tessier - an enigmatic woman to whom he is inexorably drawn, but who hides a dark secret...
Dark Shadows - Bloodlust, Volume 1 (Unabridged)
Alan Flanagan, Will Howells, Joseph Lidster
audiobookDark Shadows - Bloodlust, Volume 2 (Unabridged)
Alan Flanagan, Will Howells, Joseph Lidster
audiobookDark Shadows, 5: The Skin Walkers (Unabridged)
Scott Handcock
audiobookDark Shadows, Series 2, Part 1: Kingdom of the Dead (Unabridged)
Stuart Manning, Eric Wallace
audiobookDark Shadows, Series 2, Part 2: Kingdom of the Dead (Unabridged)
Stuart Manning, Eric Wallace
audiobookDark Shadows, 9: Curse of the Pharaoh (Unabridged)
Stephen Mark Rainey
audiobookDark Shadows, Series 2, Part 4: Kingdom of the Dead (Unabridged)
Stuart Manning, Eric Wallace
audiobookDark Shadows, 6: The Path of Fate (Unabridged)
Stephen Mark Rainey
audiobookDark Shadows, 7: The Wicked and the Dead (Unabridged)
Eric Wallace
audiobookDark Shadows, Series 2, Part 3: Kingdom of the Dead (Unabridged)
Stuart Manning, Eric Wallace
audiobookDark Shadows, 8: Echoes of Insanity (Unabridged)
D Lynn Smith
audiobookDark Shadows, 43: The Devil Cat (Unabridged)
Mark Thomas Passmore