
Fast This Way : Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be


Break the rules, not the fast with world-renowned biohacker and New York Times bestselling author Dave Asprey.

For more than a decade, the Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey has shared his unique point of view and expertise to help fans become the best versions of themselves. From living longer to getting smarter, maximizing performance to practicing mindfulness, Dave’s followers look to him for his take on the most effective techniques to become healthier and more powerful than most doctors think is possible.

Asprey has been fasting for years, long before it gained widespread popularity, and if you’re a fan of Bulletproof coffee and The Bulletproof Diet, you have been enjoying some of the benefits of Intermittent Fasting too.

In Fast This Way, Dave asks readers to forget everything they think they know about the ancient practice and takes them on a journey through cutting-edge science to examine the ways novice fasters and Intermittent Fasting loyalists can up-end their relationship with food and upgrade their fasting game beyond calorie restriction.

What IF eating the right foods at the right time can actually enhance your fast? What IF how you work out and sleep could trick your body into thinking you are fasting? What IF it were easy to skip a meal, or two, or three? What IF fasting is different for women, can be personalized to your genes, and can impact your mental health? What IF all fasts could be created equal? Fast This Way is a compelling read through the latest thinking on fasting and gives readers the manual and toolkit to make the most of their fasts and their personal biology.

Narrator: Dave Asprey


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