Global Sports Unity explores whether international sporting events truly foster global harmony or merely amplify national rivalries. Utilizing Olympic Committee records, the book examines how events like the Olympics and FIFA World Cup impact international relations, especially as globalization intensifies. It investigates if these platforms bridge cultural divides or simply concentrate existing tensions, questioning the uncritical celebration of sports as a universal peacemaker. For example, while the Olympics aim to promote international cooperation, instances of political boycotts demonstrate the complex interplay between sports and politics.
The book progresses through three parts, first defining key concepts like sports diplomacy and nationalism. Second, it analyzes case studies of major events, dissecting their impact on host nations and international relations using historical records and media coverage. Finally, it assesses the overall effectiveness of these events in fostering unity and proposes strategies to maximize positive impacts. This approach allows the book to challenge simplistic views by providing evidence-based analysis and reasoned arguments, offering a nuanced understanding of sports' role in global affairs.