Popular demand for dental implants as a reliable long-term option to replace missing teeth has risen dramatically. However, situations remain that pose challenges to practitioners and the treatment process. Written by renowned clinicians and supported by cases contributed by expert practitioners, the present volume of the ITI Treatment Guide series highlights the integration and management of peri-implant soft tissues. It discusses soft-tissue management before and during implant placement and during supportive peri-implant therapy and addresses the techniques and materials used for peri-implant soft-tissue augmentation and replacement and for the treatment of peri-implant soft-tissue dehiscences. Volume 12 of the ITI Treatment Guides series offers clinicians a comprehensive overview of various evidence-based techniques and treatment approaches for use in daily practice, with a focus on current techniques and materials.
Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone : Single-Tooth Replacements
bookLoading Protocols in Implant Dentistry : Partially Dentate Patients
bookImplant Placement in Post-Extraction Sites : Treatment Options
bookLoading Protocols in Implant Dentistry : Edentulous Patients
bookSinus Floor Elevation Procedures
Hideaki Katsuyama, Simon Storgaard Jensen
bookExtended Edentulous Spaces in the Esthetic Zone
Julia-Gabriela Wittneben Matter, Hans-Peter Weber
bookRidge Augmentation Procedures in Implant Patients : A Staged Approach
Luca Cordaro, Hendrik Terheyden
bookBiological and Hardware Complications in Implant Dentistry
bookImplant Therapy in the Geriatric Patient
bookImplant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone : Current Treatment Modalities and Materials for Single-Tooth Replacements
bookDigital Workflows in Implant Dentistry
German O. Gallucci, Christopher Evans, Ali Tahmaseb