
Slippery When Wet


An underloved widower. Her younger, sexy, CEO neighbor. The move that changes more than her address...

Moving to a new neighborhood is never easy. But after Aaronā€™s accident there wasnā€™t a choice. Heā€™s a stubborn man, a hard-working man, and now heā€™s a disabled man. Marriage is never easy, either, especially when we got married so young. We both traveled down different paths, and what we both wanted then isnā€™t necessarily what we both want now. A new friend helps me see that, but he also helps me see that I deserve those things that I still want. It may be too late. Lots of things I think Iā€™ve grown too old for suddenly come to light when Dalton shows me what I think Iā€™ve missed out on. He also shows me that I havenā€™t missed out, that my time is coming. He also comes to my rescue one night when both Aaron and I are helpless. Sometimes the kindness of strangers can be severely underrated.


Kathy, my girlfriend, thereā€™s something up with her. Amelia, my new neighbor, sees right through her, and helps me pick up the pieces. Her husband Iā€™m not sure of. Never met him, but he watches me when I walk her home one night. Thereā€™s something up with him, too. When I learn that our paths crossed once before, it makes Amelia see me in a whole new light. Sheā€™s almost ten years older than me, but she acts as though itā€™s more like a hundred. What she doesnā€™t realize is that sheā€™s incredible, beautiful, intelligent as hell, and she is no more outdated than I am in so many ways. It takes a tragedy for her to see that, and it takes a miracle for her to believe it. And it takes a hard lesson from me for her to learn that everything happens for a reason, and itā€™s more than just Aaron that brought her to meā€¦itā€™s fate.

Narrator: Sandra Alex