Pesents a dynamic 4-stage model of adolescent growth that helps parents predict many of the common developmental changes that will unfold. Early Adolescence (ages 9 13.) The function of the first adolescent stage is to accomplish the separation from childhood. The parenting challenge during this stage is to absorb the childs negative response to giving up the comforts of childish ways and to enduring parental restriction of personal freedom, without taking these injured feelings personally or reacting negatively in return. Mid Adolescence (ages 13 15.) The function of the second stage of adolescence is to establish an independent family of peers. The parenting challenge during this stage is to provide loyal opposition to the young persons push for more social freedom with friends when it appears unwise or unsafe, without resorting to coercion or censure to settle disagreements. Late Adolescence (ages 15 18.) The function of the third stage of adolescence is to
Surviving Your Child's Adolescence
- 2 books
Carl Pickhardt
Carl Pickhardt, Ph.D., is a noted psychologist, speaker, and parenting expert, now retired from private counseling practice. He received his B.A. and M.Ed. from Harvard, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of the American and Texas Psychological Associations. He writes a popular parenting advice column for Psychology Today and has writtten some of the most practical and helpful books about important parenting issues, including: The Connected Father; Stop the Screaming, The Future of Your Only Child and Why Good Kids Act Cruel. A prolific author, he continues to write three distinct kinds of books: illustrated psychology, of coming of age fiction, and of nonfiction parenting advice – Holding on While Letting Go the seventeenth of these parenting books. For a complete list of his books, see his website:
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