The Collected Works of E. M. Delafield (Illustrated) is a comprehensive collection of the renowned author's works, spanning various genres such as fiction, non-fiction, and humor. Delafield's literary style is characterized by its wit, social commentary, and keen observation of early 20th-century British society. The collection offers a glimpse into the challenges faced by women during that era, as well as Delafield's unique perspective on topics such as marriage, class, and gender roles. Delafield's satirical tone and sharp wit make her works both entertaining and thought-provoking, appealing to readers interested in British literature and feminism. The inclusion of illustrations enhances the reading experience, capturing the essence of Delafield's storytelling. E. M. Delafield's diverse body of work and insightful commentary make The Collected Works of E. M. Delafield (Illustrated) a must-read for fans of classic literature and social commentary.
The Messalina of the Suburbs (Based on a Real-Life Murder Case) : Secrets and Betrayals in Suburbia: A Psychological Suspense Tale
E. M. Delafield
bookThe Provincial Lady Complete Series - All 5 Novels With Original Illustrations: The Diary of a Provincial Lady, The Provincial Lady Goes Further, The Provincial Lady in America, The Provincial Lady in Russia & The Provincial Lady in Wartime
E. M. Delafield
bookLate and Soon (NOVEL & 8 SHORT STORIES) : Reflections on English Society in the 20th Century
E. M. Delafield
bookThe Collected Works of E. M. Delafield (Illustrated) : Insightful and Humorous Works of British Feminist Author
E. M. Delafield
bookE. M. Delafield Premium Collection: 6 Novels in One Volume : Exploring societal norms and human relationships in 20th century England
E. M. Delafield
bookLate and Soon (A Novel & 8 Short Stories) : Exploring Human Relationships and Social Norms Through Wit and Insight
E. M. Delafield
bookCollected Novels of E. M. Delafield (6 Unabridged Editions in One Volume) : Exploring Gender and Class in Early 20th Century British Society
E. M. Delafield
bookGay Life (Unabridged) : Satirical Novel about the life on the French Riviera during Jazz Age
E. M. Delafield
bookCollected Works of E. M. Delafield: The Complete Provincial Lady Series, 15 Novels, Short Story Collections & Plays (Illustrated) : Charming British Society Satire & Domestic Comedy Collection
E. M. Delafield
bookThe Provincial Lady - Complete Series (All 5 Novels With Original Illustrations) : A Diary of Wit and Wisdom from 1930s England
E. M. Delafield
bookThe Provincial Lady - Complete Collection : A Timeless Journey Through Class and Society in Early 20th Century England
E. M. Delafield
bookTHE COLLECTED NOVELS OF E. M. DELAFIELD (6 Titles in One Edition) : Zella Sees Herself, The War Workers, Consequences, Tension, The Heel of Achilles & Humbug
E. M. Delafield