April, 1890. London wakes to the shocking news of a mass prison escape. The Scotland Yard Murder Squad now face a desperate race against time: if they don't re-capture the four convicted murderers before night settles, they'll vanish into the dark alleys of the London's criminal underworld for ever. And in the midst of this mayhem and fear, the city's worst nightmare is realised: Jack the Ripper haunts the streets of London once more…
The Devil's Workshop
- 3 books
Alex Grecian
ALEX GRECIAN is the New York Times bestselling author of The Yard and its four sequels, as well as the contemporary thriller The Saint of Wolves and Butchers, the ebook The Blue Girl, and scads of short stories. He is the writer and co-creator of two comic book series: Rasputin and Proof, both for Image Comics. Both series are currently being developed for TV. His books have been translated into numerous languages and are available around the world. He lives in the American Midwest with his wife and son
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