
The Evil of Separation of Church & State


What an EVIL ALLIANCE is it that was forged between CHURCH and STATE.

Both the religious and the political leaders of the world have maliciously allied themselves in humiliating the almightiness of God when they “SEPARATED THE CHURCH AND THE STATE.”

Since the world views God as religion and Lord of the spiritual world, it thought God’s rightful place then is to be in CHURCH, governing the spiritual affairs of men.

Whereas since Caesar is politics and Lord of the physical world, his rightful place then is in the STATE, governing the political affairs of men.

And so, both the religious and the political leaders of the world agreed to put a line where neither God nor Caesar ought to cross beyond their respective domains.

In effect, God who is Lord of heaven and earth was effectively reduced to an Almighty Lord of Heaven, and Caesar who is but a mere creature of God was elevated to the Supreme Lord of the Earth.

Happy reading!