The story revolves around revenge. First, the main character, Bulldog Drummond, kills his stormy enemy, Carl Peterson. And his mistress wants revenge for Peterson. Suddenly, Drummond’s wife is kidnapped, but the criminal leaves traces. By which the main character is trying to find his wife. This chase takes place all over England, leading to an ominous house and a torture chamber.
Word of Honour
Sapper', H.C. McNeile
bookJim Maitland
Sapper, H.C. McNeile
Sapper, H.C. McNeile
bookThe Island of Terror
Sapper, H.C. McNeile
bookThe Dinner Club
Sapper, H.C. McNeile
bookThe Green Death
"Sapper", H.C. McNeile
bookThe Man in Ratcatcher, and Other Stories
"Sapper", H.C. McNeile
bookThe House by the Headland
"Sapper", H.C. McNeile
bookMen, Women, and Guns
H.C. McNeile
bookThe Final Count
H.C. McNeile
bookThe Dinner Club
H.C. McNeile
bookThe Lieutenant and Others
H.C. McNeile