
The Happiness Hunter’s Guide to Meditation : How to connect with your most powerful resource to eliminate stress & anxiety, while increasing energy & focus


The Happiness Hunter's Guide to Meditation is a simple and highly effective introduction to the powerful practice of meditation.

Fiona shares with you an insight into her journey of shifting from a place of deep unhappiness and problematic drinking to where she is today, and how a daily practice of meditation played a key role in her transformation.

In this book, Fiona has provided the exact tools, resources and guides that helped bring calm and clarity to her thoughts, and created a solid foundation of acceptance, self-belief and confidence.

In the process of turning her life around, Fiona has made it her mission to help others in their journey by creating an international movement and community of Happiness Hunters, and is co-host of the highly successful podcast - The Happiness Hunter.

"If there was only one thing you could do to make the most significant impact and improvement to your life (whether it be in love, success, relationships, money or health)...

Make that one thing - a daily meditation practice".

** INCLUDED AS A BONUS AT THE END OF THIS AUDIO BOOK: eight guided meditations with accompanying music

Narrator: Fiona Redding
