"The Matrimonial Bureau" revolves around the adventures of four whimsical young women who daydream about their Prince Charming. The ladies find themselves in a variety of amusing and intricate love triangles. Will they eventually find their Prince Charming?
Krimi Trio 3348
Alfred Bekker, Carolyn Wells
bookKrimi Dreierband 3146
Alfred Bekker, Henry Rohmer, Carolyn Wells
bookA Chain of Evidence
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Doorstep Murders
Carolyn Wells
bookThe White Alley
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Mark of Cain
Carolyn Wells
bookDeep Lake Mystery
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Gold Bag
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Maxwell Mystery
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Fourteenth Key
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Clue
Carolyn Wells
bookThe Skeleton at the Feast
Carolyn Wells