
The Secrets of China's Success : Untold Stories of New World Market Leaders – and How the Western Economy Can Respond


Behind the Scenes of China's Success

Have you heard about flying taxis in China, robo-cars navigating through bustling cities, eco-friendly trains that travel at the speed of airplanes, and the government's plans to establish colonies on the moon and Mars by the 2030s? What might seem like visionary science fiction is already becoming reality in China.

In The Secrets of China's Success, you'll discover how China has managed to stay so far ahead of the Western world in the major technologies of the future as well as much more you didn't know about this country of 1.4 billion people.

The practical guide takes you on a journey through contemporary China, offering a unique and surprising glimpse behind the scenes. It explores the millennia-old culture, the "from rags to riches" mindset of Chinese entrepreneurs, as well as significant political and economic initiatives, such as China's leading role in projects like the formation of the Global South, the emergence of a new generation of cyber spies, and the ambitious construction of a vast Green Wall to combat environmental degradation – a feat that has even astonished the US space agency NASA.

In contrast to his non-fiction debut, Wirtschaftserwachen or Economic Awakening, management thought leader Fabian Hänle now delves into the broader Western economy in English. He critically and constructively explores key questions of the 21st century: Who are the emerging Chinese hidden champions and future global market leaders? How can we pragmatically mitigate risks while capitalizing on new opportunities? And what novel strategies will enable us to remain successful, realize our untapped potential, create sustainable economic and personal inner growth, and uplift humankind?

An authentic, exciting, and in-depth book, accompanied by insightful interviews with top international entrepreneurs – there is much to look forward to with Fabian Hänle's forthcoming book!

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