With modern healthy diets constantly flip-flopping on what foods to eat and focusing on restricting calories, individuals can be left confused, defeated, and unsatisfied. This new book from acclaimed macrobiotic health and nutritional experts Denny and Susan Waxman leaves all negativity behind and brings to light a positive outlook on building one healthy habit at a time. Listeners will find healthy living easier than ever by learning how to apply these principles into a broad range of modern lifestyles and by being able to do so at their own pace. With new recipes from Susan Waxman, this book clears up misinformation about food, which allows you to better understand how to achieve your best physical, spiritual, and mental health. The Ultimate Guide to Eating for Longevity is not a diet fad; it's a nutritional guide based on the world's longest-standing civilizations, civilizations which have changed very little over time and have proven that it’s possible to live a long, healthy life.
The Ultimate Guide to Eating for Longevity : The Macrobiotic Way to Live a Long, Healthy, and Happy Life
- 1 book
Denny Waxman
Denny Waxman has been a macrobiotic counselor since the 1970s and is one of the founders of American Macrobiotics. He has changed the food narrative away from a diet dependent upon animal & dairy foods. From the Mid-Atlantic Summer Camp, to opening the first natural food store in Philadelphia, Essene Market, and directing the Kushi Institute, he has been a pioneer of macrobiotics. His notoriety came after Dr. Anthony Sattilaro overcame terminal prostate cancer and credited Denny for saving his life in his book, Recalled by Life. Denny teaches globally and is the author of The Complete Macrobiotic Diet and The Ultimate Guide to Eating for Longevity.
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Susan Waxman
Susan Waxman, co-author and creator of the delicious recipes found in The Complete Macrobiotic Diet, is world-renowned for her culinary creations, which merge health with taste. By way of her teachings and countless years of cooking experience, she has presented an array of new healthful recipes in this book that can only be defined one way, taste with integrity.
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