
UUnderstanding the Vagus Nerve - Vol. 2: Your Key to Self-Empowerment: Minimizing Negative Manifestations Using the Practical Techniques of Relaxation and Yoga


Vagus Nerve Vol. 2 Empower Yourself: Practical Techniques and Exercises of Nature Relaxation, yoga. Tips to reduce PTSD and Inflammation

The Secret Power of the Vagus NerveVol 2 – Relaxation Techniques, Meditation and Exercise to reduce Anxiety, PTSD, and DepressionIn an age where we’ve become dependent on medication as the sole treatment for mental health issues, are you ready to explore something new?The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve in the human body. It’s also linked to everything from breath regulation, heart health, and even memory. For someone with diagnosed depression, anxiety, PTSD, or other clinical mental health issues, a dysfunctional vagus nerve can exacerbate symptoms of these conditions.With the second volume of The Secret Power of the Vagus Nerve, author Clarissa Wundt explores how new meditation and relaxation techniques can be used to help treat anxiety, depression, and a whole host of serious mental health conditions.Topics covered include:• How does vagus nerve dysfunction affect your health?• What’s the science linking the vagus nerve to mental health?• Why do certain yoga poses work for nerve stimulation?• What techniques are most effective?• How does the vagus nerve help trauma recovery?You learn natural techniques and new behavioral therapy that can help symptoms. This holistic approach combines science and action to help you heal. Activating your vagus nerve can prove the key to unlocking your health.Are you ready to start that journey today?

Narrator: Ruth R Hamilton


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