Too Busy for Love

He's my brother's grumpy best friend, my enemy, and now we're fake dating. How did this happen? Brent Masterson has been my enemy ever since "the debacle." In a moment of weakness, because I can't seem to land a job in my degreed profession, I agreed to be his assistant. What was I thinking? It's easy to resist his usual Resting Grump Face, which apparently is his default mode around me. But sometimes when I least expect it, he gives me a knee-weakening smile or a flirty look, and my resistance to him completely crumbles. Maybe that's why, when he explained the ultimatum his dad issued to him to find a serious girlfriend in only six months or the baseball organization that Brent manages will be sold, I also agreed to this crazy fake dating scheme. So, here I am, working for and fake dating Mr. Grumpy Bigshot. My foolish heart is all in, while my brain screams alarm bells. Why do I feel like this isn't going to end well? Will Brent and Libby's bumpy road to love end in happiness or heartbreak?