"An Antarctic Mystery", also known as "The Sphinx of the Ice Fields", is a captivating two-volume novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne. This work, penned in 1897, serves as a continuation of Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket".During his twilight years, the French author Jules Verne (1828-1905) wrote two original sequels to books that had fired his own youthful imagination but which he felt to be Johann Wyss's Swiss Family Robinson and Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. Arthur Gordon Pym (1845) was only one of many Poe stories which Verne admired; no other single author had more impact on his writing.
Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde
Jules Verne
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Jules Verne
audiobookbook20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne
audiobookbookThe Complete Works of Jules Verne : Visions of Tomorrow: A Collection of Sci-Fi Classics and Adventurous Tales by a Literary Master
Jules Verne
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Jules Verne
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Jules Verne
audiobook20,000 Leagues under the Sea
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audiobookbookThe Purchase of the North Pole
Jules Verne
bookDie großen Abenteuer
Joseph Conrad, Daniel Defoe, Klabund, Jack London, Karl May, 1001 Nacht, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne