
Burning Out Won't Get You There


Busyness, judgment, resistance to change, fear of admitting failure - do changemakers have to suffer to reduce world suffering? Or is there a way to avoid burnout?

Leaders and changemakers dedicated to pursuing social change are often the first ones to experience burnout. Those committed to taking care of everyone and everything tend to neglect themselves and hit the wall, time after time.

Davida Ginter's book sheds light on the growing phenomenon of burnout and its root causes. She has interviewed changemakers and social change experts from around the world about their personal experiences on entrepreneurship, leadership, and mindfulness, and she offers comprehensive guidance, approaches, and tools to help cultivate personal and social wellbeing.

About the Author:

Davida Ginter is the founder of Be the Change and co-founder and CEO of Enkindle Global, which supports leaders and organizations in preventing burnout and cultivating wellbeing. She is a Participatory Leadership facilitator and Non-Violent Communication trainer, two approaches she endorses both in life and at work. She resides in Israel with her husband and three young curious human beings.