If you haven't heard of Chitosan, you are far from alone. This powerful and potent supplement is a dieter's dream, and the best kept secret of the modern dieting industry. Found in the shells of crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp and lobster, Chitosan is a polysaccharide and super fiber that acts as a natural weight loss aid, supercharging the metabolism to help you lose excess weight. Along with this amazing feature, Chitosan is also believed to lower bad cholesterol, eliminate heartburn, ease IBS and even increase the absorption of calcium. While Chitosan is easily found in most health food stores, word has yet to spread about this supplements amazing potential, an issue this book seeks to rectify with history, facts and studies, presented in an informative yet easy to read fashion. From its formation to its use, dosage and health benefits, common questions and even possible side effects, everything you need to know about this Super Supplement can be found here.
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