1. Keto Diet & Intermittent Fasting 2-in-1 Book Burn Fat Like Crazy While Eating Delicious Food Going Keto + The Proven Wonders of Intermittent Fasting to Achieve That Body You've Always Wanted

    Laura Warren

  2. Powerful Weight Loss Affirmations Train Your Mind and Achieve a Slim, Toned Body Like You Have Always Wanted. Lose Weight and Sculpt Your Figure with Powerful Affirmations and Healthy Mantras

    Laura Warren

  3. Magic Keto : Why it Is Celebrities’ Favorite Diet? Embrace The Low-Carb Lifestyle, Eat Exquisite Meals, Burn Fat Like Crazy and Experience Unbelievable Changes in Your Body in Just 30 Days

    Laura Warren

  4. Embracing Yourself with Self-Compassion Stop Being Your Own Antagonist, Take a Deep Look at Yourself, Let Go of The Past Mistakes, Embrace a Positive Beginning and Learn The Peace of Self-Acceptance

    Laura Warren

  5. Time to Heal : Guided Meditation to Overcome Trauma Believe and Prove You Can Truly Help Yourself to Overcome Hurtful Feelings, Trauma, Depression and Helplessness Feeling

    Laura Warren

  6. Clear Your Mind Through Mindfulness Meditation Discover How to be “Here and Now" Present in The Moment and Let Go. Relieve Yourself From Stress and Anxiety Created by The World Around You

    Laura Warren

  7. The Blessing of a Good Night’s Sleep Stop Feeling Tired and Moody During The Day Because of a Poor Night’s Sleep. Relaxation Techniques and Meditations to Calm Your Mind and Enjoy Pleasurable Nights

    Laura Warren

  8. First Time Mom & Baby Sleep Solution 2-in-1 Book No Need to Panic, Pregnancy Guid to Be Ready for What is Coming in The Next 9 Months and Newborn Care + The Most Effective Baby Sleep Methods

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  9. Sleep Little Baby : The Rock-a-Bye Baby Solution for Modern Parent Raising a Baby Doesn't Have to Be so Hard! Learn the Best Kept Secrets of Baby Sleep and Enjoy That Long Gone Rested Feeling Again

    Laura Warren

  10. Overcome Anxiety & Trauma Guided Meditations 2-in-1 Book Breathe, Visualize, Self-Heal and Achieve Mindful Relief with Expert’s Guided Meditations to Overcome Trauma and Anxiety in Weeks

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  11. Emotional Intelligence : The Simple Key to a Happier Life Allow Your Life to Blossom to its True Potential. Learn to Understand Emotions, Avoid Empty Relationships and Develop Social Awareness

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  12. Emotional Intelligence and CBT 2-in-1 Book It's Time to Stop Hurting. Learn to Understand Your Emotions and Those of Others, Free Yourself From The Burden of the Past and Welcome a Better Reality

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