Eating disorders in childhood and adolescence are becoming increasingly important. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa typically start in childhood and adolescence, and in some areas their prevalence is increasing. Binge-eating disorder, pica and rumination disorder, and disorder with avoidance and/or restriction of food intake have now been included in the ICD-11 and DSM-5 classification systems for the first time. This volume presents major new findings on the aetiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of these conditions in accordance with the evidence-based guidelines in Germany and against the background of the current state of international research. It provides assistance in the treatment of these disorders & which often tend to become chronic & not only for all those working in hospitals and private practice, but also for the patients= parents and guardians. Both of the book=s editors have many years of experience in treating eating disorders and conducting research on them.
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