
Fabric Animals : Cute cuddly friends for adults and children


Start making your own cuddly zoo right now.

You just can't help loving these soft, multicoloured, cuddly animals made of velour, fur fabric, cotton, felt or fleece. The teddy, giant mouse, hare, ape and their friends are not just for cuddling and playing with; some also make themselves useful, for example as a hot water bottle cover, cushion, piggy bank, seat or pyjama case. A cute grasping toy and a happy caterpillar will ensure that babies are contented in their cots, and the stately owl Advent calendar simply takes off her apron when the festivities are over and becomes an eye-catching ornament in any playroom or living room.

Every design is accompanied by a brilliant photo, a list of the materials needed and detailed step-by-step instructions. Extra pattern sheets include all the necessary pieces and make copying them child's play.

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  2. Ich näh mir was! : 40 zauberhafte Nähprojekte

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  3. Das Weihnachtsnähbuch : Geschenke & Deko für Advent und Weihnachten

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  4. Das große Kissen-Nähbuch : 26 tolle Ideen für Deko-, Sitz- & Schlafkissen

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  8. Little Gifts : Brilliant sewing ideas for fashion accessories and home décor

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  9. Fabric Animals : Cute cuddly friends for adults and children

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  10. Meine große Nähschule : Nähen lernen mit Spaß. Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen für Kinder. Mit Schnittmustern zum Download

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