
Flattering alliances : Scandinavia, diplomacy and the Austrian-French balance of power 1648-1740


) this work is a great contribution to European early modern history.« Sarah Linden Pasay, Historisk Tidskrift

At the same time as Denmark and Sweden were locked in a battle for supremacy in northern Europe, several other countries around Europe engaged in struggles for dominance. One conflict that had profound impact on much of the Continent as well as Scandinavia was the fight for hegemony between France and Austria after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. In Flattering Alliances we learn about how those clashes dragged the Scandinavian kingdoms into European top-level politics, and forced them to take part in the diplomatic game, constantly negotiating risks and profits.

The historians Peter Lindström and Svante Norrhem discuss the role of diplomacy, how the Great Powers bound allies to their side, and how the Scandinavian countries and their political elites responded. Much of the diplomatic strategizing centred on family alliances, patronage, and economic politics – something quite different from what we expect from today’s official negotiations. This book will be invaluable reading for anyone with an interest in international relations in the early modern period, particularly in Europe, as the authors take a fresh look at the history of diplomacy and the nature of state formation.

Svensk text om boken:

Samtidigt som Danmark och Sverige kĂ€mpade om herravĂ€ldet i norra Europa, stred lĂ€nderna runt om i Europa om det politiska och ekonomiska övertaget. En konflikt som hade stor inverkan pĂ„ hela kontinenten och Ă€ven Skandinavien – var maktkampen mellan Frankrike och Österrike efter den Westfaliska freden 1648. I Flattering Alliances kan vi lĂ€sa om hur dessa sammandrabbningar drog in de skandinaviska kungadömena i den europeiska toppolitiken. HĂ€r drevs de att delta i det diplomatiska spelet, dĂ€r vinster och risker stĂ€ndigt omförhandlades.

Historikerna Peter Lindström och Svante Norrhem diskuterar i sin bok betydelsen av diplomati. Hur knöt stormakterna de allierade till sin sida? Och hur svarade den skandinaviska makteliten? Mycket av den diplomatiska strategin under denna tidsperiod fokuserades pĂ„ allianser inom slĂ€kter, socialt beskydd och ekonomisk politik – nĂ„got helt annat Ă€n vad vi förvĂ€ntar oss frĂ„n dagens officiella förhandlingar. Flattering Alliances Ă€r oumbĂ€rlig lĂ€sning för alla med intresse för internationella relationer i tidigmodern tid.