In the sixth installment of the Blacktop Cowboys series, Liberty serves as country star Devin's bodyguard and a passionate romance ignites. But when the tour is over, will their love survive? Contains mature themes.
When I Need You
Lorelei James
audiobookI Want You Back
Lorelei James
Lorelei James
audiobookAll You Need
Lorelei James
audiobookWrapped and Strapped
Lorelei James
audiobookHang Tough
Lorelei James
audiobookUnbreak My Heart
Lorelei James
audiobookRacked and Stacked
Lorelei James
audiobookHillbilly Rockstar
Lorelei James
audiobookWhat You Need
Lorelei James
audiobookJust What I Needed
Lorelei James
audiobookOne Night Rodeo
Lorelei James