This volume is based on the ongoing studies on post-Avicennian philosophy in the context of naturalising philosophy and science in Islam from the 12th to the 14th century – a topic that deserves the special attention of historians of Islamic intellectual history. The contributors address the following questions using case studies: What was philosophy all about from the 12th to the 14th century? And how did Muslim scholars react to it during the period under consideration? The present volume approaches complex philosophical topics from different angles and is structured around six main sections: 1. Historical and Social Approaches to Philosophy, 2. Knowing the Unknown, 3. God, Man and the Physical World, 4. Universals, 5. Logic and Intellect, and 6. Anthropomorphism and Incorporealism.
Mamluk Historiography Revisited – Narratological Perspectives
bookHistory and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250–1517) : Studies of the Annemarie Schimmel Institute for Advanced Study III
bookGami' al-mustanadat : Eine Edition der fünf Kaufverträge und der Waqf-Urkunde des Emirs Faḫr ad-Dīn Abū ʿAmr ʿUṯmān b. Uġulbak al-Ḥalabī
bookMamlukica : Studies on the History and Society of the Mamluk Period / Studien zu Geschichte und Gesellschaft der Mamlukenzeit
Stephan Conermann
bookHistory and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250–1517) : Studies of the Annemarie Schimmel Institute for Advanced Study II
bookEverything is on the Move : The Mamluk Empire as a Node in (Trans-)Regional Networks
bookState formation and the structure of politics in Mamluk Syro-Egypt, 648–741 A.H./1250–1340 C.E.
Winslow Williams Clifford
bookLisān al-ḥukkām fī maˁrifat al-aḥkām und Ġāyat al-marām fī tatimmat lisān al-ḥukkām
Lisan A. Abu'l-Walid A b aš-Šiḥna al-Ḥanafī, Burhan Ibrahim al-Ḫālifī al-ʿAdawī
bookDomestic Slavery in Syria and Egypt, 1200–1500
Jan Hinrich Hagedorn
bookMamlukische Minbare : Islamische Predigtkanzeln in Ägypten, Syrien, Libanon, Israel und den Palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten zwischen 1250 und 1517
Miriam Kühn
bookMaqāmat al-Naṣr fī Manāqīb Imām al-ʿAṣr
Muḥammad b. Aḥmad al-Zamlakānī
bookat-Tarāǧim al-ǧalīla al-ǧaliyya wa-l-ašyāḫ al-ʿāliya al-ʿaliyya
Aḥmad Aybak Ibn Aybak ad-Dumyāṭī