In the fourth installment of Kate Quinn's Empress of Rome series, empress and emperor, father and son will spin a deadly dance of passion, betrayal, conspiracy, and war.
The Rose Code
Kate Quinn
audiobookThe Briar Club : A Novel
Kate Quinn
audiobookThe Phoenix Crown
Kate Quinn, Janie Chang
audiobookThe Phoenix Crown : A Novel
Kate Quinn, Janie Chang
audiobookA Song of War : A Novel of Troy
Kate Quinn, Vicky Alvear, Simon Turney, Russell Whitfield, Stephanie Thornton, Libbie Hawker, David Alexander Blixt
audiobookA Year of Ravens : A Novel of Boudica's Rebellion
Kate Quinn, Eliza Knight, Russell Whitfield, Vicky Alvear, Ruth Downie, Stephanie Dray, Simon Turney
audiobookA Day of Fire : A Novel of Pompeii
Kate Quinn, Stephanie Dray, Ben Kane, Eliza Knight, Sophie Perinot, Vicky Alvear
audiobookThe Diamond Eye
Kate Quinn
audiobookRibbons of Scarlet : A Novel of the French Revolution's Women
Kate Quinn, Stephanie Dray, Laura Kamoie, E. Knight, Sophie Perinot, Heather Webb
audiobookThe Huntress
Kate Quinn
audiobookThe Alice Network : A Novel
Kate Quinn
audiobookLady of the Eternal City
Kate Quinn