
Lean Six Sigma : Learn How to Implement the Six Sigma Process with Lean Production Speed and Apply It to Your Start Up or Small Business


Learn the Six Sigma process and Lean production speed to boost your startup or small business!

Are you ready to make business changes for the better? Do you want to employ a functional system that brings results? Read on! This audiobook is an excellent guide on the lean six sigma management!

Lean Six Sigma is a management concept that uses the benefits of both Lean and Six Sigma systems to cut production costs, increase quality, accelerate the work process, save money, and stay competitive.

With this methodology, both the employees and the managers become more growth-focused. The level of work satisfaction is higher and productivity is improved through constant optimization. Consequently, profitability is increased, as well as employee and customer satisfaction. There’s less room for errors, and processes are simplified.

This Lean Six Sigma guide will teach you:

What is the meaning and purpose of work How to do your job and improve yourself How to maintain a healthy work environment What are the different models of Lean Six Sigma What is the motivation and compensation in working relations What are the best working conditions What attitudes work well at a workplace Even if you have a smooth-running business, Lean Six Sigma will bring immense benefits. It might sound complicated now, but once you listen to this audiobook, you will find that the methodology is quite simple to implement. What’s more, that simplicity is transferred in your work environment, bringing positive change. It’s not only the productivity and profitability that increase in Lean Six Sigma frameworks but employee satisfaction, as well!

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