
Master of the Singing Bowls: A Unique Singing Bowls Composition for Strengthening Body, Mind and Soul


Master of the Singing Bowls

A Unique Singing Bowls Composition for Strengthening Body, Mind and Soul

Since thousands of years humans use Tibetan singing bowls for healing and meditation. Their vibrations open up energies, stimulate the mind and have a wholesome effect on the body.

Enjoy the mystical powers of the singing bowls. Their pulsating sounds allow the body to vibrate in resonance which supports self-healing processes and letting go of tension.

Treat yourself to a state of complete deep relaxation that calms the nervous system, regenerates the body and uplifts the soul.

As a bonus you receive two meditative tracks with superb ambient music for relaxation or falling asleep.


•1. Singing Bowl Session in Excellent Audio-quality with the Master of the Singing Bowls Abhamani Ajash from Tibet, Duration: 41 minutes

•2. Bonus-track: Ambient Sleeping Pill, Duration: 120 minutes



  • Hörbuch




  1. Healing Bowl Sounds for Spiritual Moments : Body, Mind and Soul in Balance

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  2. Frecuencias sanadoras: música sanadora : Medicina de la luz basada en frecuencias para la activación del ADN (Solfeggio 144 Hz - 728 Hz)

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  3. Fréquences sacrées – La musique de guérison : Médecine de lumière basée sur le solfège sacré (144 Hz à 728 Hz) pour l'activation de l'ADN

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  4. OM Mantra / Theta Meditation: Klanggeschenke aus höheren Welten : Neue meditative Klangwelten für Entspannung, Transformation & Energiearbeit (XXL-Bundle)

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  5. Heilende Frequenzen - Heilende Musik : Frequenzbasierte Lichtmedizin zur DNA-Aktivierung (Solfeggio 144 Hz - 728 Hz)

    Institut für Klangheilung, Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  6. Spirituelles Klangbad: Sanfte Töne für Klangheilung, DNA-Aktivierung, Chakren-Reinigung : XXL-Bundle: Heilmusiken, Solfeggio Frequenzen, OM Mantra Gesänge, Binaurale Klangwelten, Tibetische Gongs, Klangschalen Meditation

    Zentrum für Klangheilung, Lhamo Sarepa, Abhamani Ajash

  7. Spiritual Sound Bath: Transform Your World Through Listening : Singing Bowl Meditation, OM Mantra Chants, Healing Sounds for Spiritual Moments, Meditation & Relaxation Music for Your Body, Mind and Soul

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  8. Meditación con Mantra Om : Paisajes sonoros para meditación de mantra Om, prácticas de puesta a tierra, relajación y trabajo corporal

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  9. Om Mantra / Om Meditation : Meditative Om Soundscapes for Grounding Practices, Relaxation, and Bodywork

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  10. OM Mantra / OM Meditation: Meditative OM-Klangwelten für Erdung, Entspannung und Körperarbeit

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  11. Tibetan Singing Bowls with Ocean Waves for Meditation and Well Being (Deep Sleep, Healing, Hypnosis, Chakra Balancing) : Soothing Soundscapes for Relaxation of Body and Mind

    Abhamani Ajash, Lhamo Sarepa

  12. Tibetische Atementspannung - Einfache und sofort wirksame Atemübungen : Die heilsame Kraft des Atems für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene

    Abhamani Ajash
