
OM Mantra Chants: OM Meditation, OM Chakra Alignment, OM Healing : The Sound That Reverberates Across the Universe


AUM, OM or OMM , no matter how you write it, it's the inner sound of cosmos, the Sound which brings beauty to every cell of our body. OM possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition, and idealism and amazing healing and calming powers.

Many cultures recognize the healing power of the OM mantra; in fact, the people of India, Thailand, Tibet, and Nepal have been harnessing this power for more than 5,000 years.

OM meditation can help you connect with yourself and your body, resolve inner discord, and boost your physical vitality. Experience seven outstanding OM soundscapes in excellent audio quality with this premium audiobook. Deep, earthy and warm, these spherical and meditative sounds penetrate beneath the skin, producing an incredibly powerful effect that connects heart, spirit, and soul. Healing, otherworldly sounds. Gentle strikes on a singing bowl, rhythmic heartbeats, Tibetan instruments like the harmonium, gentle ocean waves, and the chanting of Buddhist monks, all combined with the Om mantra. A unique aural experience for meditating, relaxing, and simply enjoying.

OM is life. OM is the primal sound of the universe. OM is the sound in which the entire universe reverberates. It is the force that brings beauty to every cell in our body. Om directly touches each individual cell, rebalancing our entire energy field to restore flow and harmony. It is ideal for:

• meditation, relaxation, and sound healing;

• any form of energy work or bodywork,

• freeing yourself from unhelpful patterns of thought, belief, and behavior;

• relieving tension, depression, pain, and anxiety;

• chakra alignment;

• activating self-healing forces;

• healing the inner child.

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