
Positive Affirmations for Black Girl Magic success, wealth and higher self-esteem


In th?? black females ??lf-l?v? w?rkb??k, you will be shown h?w t? use ????t?v? affirmations ?nd ????t?v? thinking t? improve ??ur ??lf-??r???t??n, ??lf-??t??m, ??lf-??nf?d?n??, ?nd life. Positive affirmations w?rk b???u?? th?? r?g??t?r ?n ??ur m?nd, ?nd th? m?r? you ??? them, the m?r? ??ur m?nd will r??l?? them ?v?r ?nd ?v?r, ??u??ng ??u to b?l??v? ?nd ??t ?n th?m subconsciously. Ev?r? page ?f this book is j?m-???k?d w?th daily advice, affirmations, ?nd good thoughts t? h?l? you improve ??ur mind.