
Power-Napping : Get Your Energy, Concentration and Responsiveness Back - with a Restful Day Sleep (Powernap)


With the Powernap you can recover energy quickly used up during the day. This kind of quick release is supported in many companies worldwide, e.g. with appropriate premises. But you can also use Powernap at any location. In Japan, for example, business people like to use the subway for an intensive Powernap.

The important thing or trick of the daytime nap - also known as nap, doze, nap - is that it ends before you go into deep sleep. The cerebrum regenerates during this phase and you avoid drowsiness by waking up in a controlled manner before the SWS - Slow Wave Sleep (i.e. deep sleep). According to sleep researchers, a short day's sleep increases the ability to concentrate, perform and react.

With this audio book you can practice and perform your Powernap. There are 2 versions available. To get started, you can use the 10 minute version to find your way into short sleep and wake up before deep sleep. Especially the retrieval and feeling the right moment of waking up is a training process.

If you have got a feeling for it and are able to find your way back into daytime sleep quite quickly, or if you have a little more time, use the 20 minute version.

As doctors have found out, a few minutes of restful sleep during the day not only increases performance and concentration, but also reduces the risk of suffering a heart attack, for example! For example, a Greek study with 23,500 test persons found that naps during the day reduced the risk of a heart attack by 37 percent.

So use the Powernapping developed by SyncSouls for your daily routine and create your days with more fresh energy and new performance.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)