Blogs are everywhere, aren't they? Yet despite this, people seem to have stopped talking about them a little as a way to make money online. Well, in my opinion blogs are still very much an essential part of a successful online business. A blog can make you money, build a relationship with your subscribers and generate traffic to your website. Yes, everyone's talking about Facebook, Twitter and Google – and on the surface of it blogging may today appear a little 'old hat' – but that doesn't mean you should leave blogging on the table. Not only is blogging good for business, it is fun too and can help you to build relationships with other marketers. This could lead to JV deals and collaborations etc. – and it's an added bonus of blogging that often gets overlooked. Take a look at the top internet marketers. They pretty much ALL have a blog don't they? There's also niche blogging – and it's certainly a very valid way of making money online, especially if you can build up a large portfolio of blogs in different niches. In this report I'm going to show you how to set up and run a successful blog. We'll discuss the techy side of installing a blog, filling it with content, monetizing it and driving traffic to it. We'll also discuss things such as how a blog can help you to build a list and how you can 'flip' blogs for profit. Whether you want to become a niche blogger – or you're looking at running a personal blog or a blog for your business – I hope that this guide will help.
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