On Death and Dying is one of the most important books ever written on the subject and is still considered the bench-mark in the care of the dying. It became an immediate bestseller, and Life magazine called it "a profound lesson for the living." This companion volume consists of the questions that are most frequently asked of Dr. Kübler-Ross and her compassionate answers. She discusses accepting the end of life, suicide, terminal illness, euthanasia, how to tell a patient he or she is critically ill, and how to deal with all the special difficulties surrounding death. Questions and Answers on Death and Dying is a vital resource for doctors, nurses, members of the clergy, social workers, and lay people dealing with death and dying.
On Grief and Grieving : Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss
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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, David Kessler
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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
bookLife Lessons : Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, David Kessler
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
bookOn Children and Death
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
bookOn Death and Dying
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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