Before the funeral, Sten feels very mentally ill. And he hasn’t slept at all for three nights.
How will he be able to say goodbye to his dead grandmother? And will he dare to go to her coffin?
He also needs to be able to face his now completely crazy and absent mother.
And his best friend Amir? How will he face him? What will he, they, talk about? Should they talk about how hard, difficult, and sad life has become? Or ... should they just play the silent game?
But somehow, he has to cope with it all. But it’s just how?
And the funeral will end at some point. Or ...?
But Sten is also strong mentally and he will be able to get through the whole funeral. It may not be easy - but it will be okay. And he gets a lot of support and comfort from his foster father Ove.
(For more pictures, information, and sample reading see