
Stair-Building and the Steel Square : A Manual of Practical Instruction in the Art of Stair-Building and Hand-Railing, and the Manifold Uses of the Steel Square


In 'Stair-Building and the Steel Square', the collaborative efforts of Fred T. Hodgson and Morris Williams shine a spotlight on the intricate relationship between traditional craftsmanship and the geometrical genius engendered by the steel square. This anthology combines a rich diversity of technical advice, historical perspective, and practical application, ensuring its place within both the realms of architectural literature and practical craftsmanship. The collection stands out for its comprehensive exploration of stair-building techniques, from the simplest to the most complex design, providing a valuable resource for both novices and seasoned professionals in carpentry and architecture. The varying styles, from step-by-step guides to theoretical discussions, underline the versatility and indispensability of the steel square in constructing enduring staircases. The contributing authors, Fred T. Hodgson and Morris Williams, bring to the anthology a profound understanding of architectural design and carpentry. Their backgrounds merge the historical evolution of construction techniques with a pragmatic approach to design challenges. This anthology is not merely a reflection of individual achievements but a testament to the evolution of building practices through the centuries, echoing larger shifts within architectural and engineering paradigms. 'Stair-Building and the Steel Square' is invaluable for readers seeking to deepen their comprehension of architectural craftsmanship, offering an unparalleled journey through the history, theory, and application of stair-building. This collection is essential for anyone interested in the confluence of tradition and innovation in architectural design, promising not only to educate but also to inspire those who engage with the craft of stair-building.