
The Girl Who Fights Witches


Half witch, half werewolf, all attitude.

My name's Tamara Bentley and I should be happy to be heading home for the holidays. Too bad tensions between the supernatural forces surrounding my hometown are at an all-time high—witches and werewolves, ancient enemies who would happily slaughter each other. One side fears me, the other doesn't know I exist, and I aim to keep it that way lest they both decide to find common ground in killing me.

Now an offer for peace has been extended, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the two warring races to settle their differences. So, of course, someone is looking to screw it all up. Not only do they want to put an end to the fragile peace before it can even begin, but they're looking to shift the balance of power by blowing open the gates that protect our world from the things that lay beyond.

After a surprise attack leaves both sides crippled, me and my friends are the only ones left who can stop to their plans. Sadly we're outnumbered and outgunned. Even my unique heritage might not be enough to save my family, my friends, and everything I hold dear before Hell itself is unleashed upon the Earth.

Note: Was previously titled Bent Outta Shape with the series name of The Hybrid of High Moon