
The Humbled Sinner


This Treatise commendeth it self to thy acceptance upon a double account, the one is, the known worth of the Authour, the other is, the great usefulness of the subject matter: The Authour was Mr. Obadiah Sedgwick, no Novice in the things of God, but one that for a long time, both beyond the Seas, and at home, in City and in Countrey, did keep up the vigour of a convincing Ministery, which the Lord did abundantly prosper, to the converting of some, and building up of others, and no doubt to the conviction of many more, who shall one day know, that a Prophet of the Lord hath been amongst them: Besides, hee was one of an exemplary godliness, and of long experience in the waies of God; of whose excellent spirit the world hath had a sufficient taste, inthose choyse Treatises already published under his name; Certainly, from such an able head, and holy heart, nothing can bee expected that is cheap and mean.

It is a losse, a losse that cannot enough bee bewailed, that so eminent and usefull an Instrument, is now by Death taken away from his publick Ministerial labours: there is no murmuring against the hand of God, but the wasting of the Old stock of out able Ministers should bee more laid to heart; alass! wee that are to succeed in the Lords Work (I am sure I can accuse one) with what a weak and unequal pace do we follow their great examples? and being too too early, by the removal of such choyse instruments, put upon publick services, no wonder if wee faint under the burden.

It is some recompense for this losse, that this worthy servant of God, did (to honour his own Ministery, which was most consolatory) single out such Treatises as might bee of most use to publick benefit and edification.