This eBook edition of "The Mabinogion" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Mabinogion is the earliest prose literature of Britain and it contains Arthurian tales, Welsh romances and other Celtic legends and myths. The meaning Mabinogi is obscure, but it clearly roots in the word 'mab' for son, child, young person: this is to be seen in the naming convention 'son of' in genealogies. The tales are: The Lady of the Fountain Peredur the Son of Evrawc Geraint the son of Erbin Kilhwch and Olwen The dream of Rhonabwy Pwyll Prince of Dyved Branwen the daughter of Llyr Manawyddan the son of Llyr Math the son of Mathonwy The dream of Maxen Wledig The story of Lludd and Llevelys Taliesin
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