
The Necromantrix Earns Her Scythe or The Mower King : Welcome to the Green Side


The king of the reapers son's heir the Necromantrix was given her first scythe by her grand father the reaper king in a quiet park out of town in a small ceremony.

They try to explain reapers to her to her father's amusement she thinks they are gardeners who use lawn mowers.

"we are like lawn mowers then, we cut the grass and collect the grass and put it where it is judged needs to be placed." his son laughed he was amused by the description of them as lawn mowers. A couple of walkers saw the 2 reapers and the black dressed Necromantrix holding an old scythe. The walkers screamed. "We're just here to mow the lawn! You never seen The Mower King before," shouted the Necromancer, The Mower King was a big gardening franchise in that town. The walkers ran off. "You scared them you psycho!" snapped back the king at his son. The king turned his attention back to the girl, "Do you understand what I was talking about?" asked the king. "You are gardeners I thought you were killers?" she said.

This is a darkly funny short story