
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer: Volume 12


After untangling themselves (well, mostly) from the series of complicated messes that ambushed them in the royal capital, Rentt and Lorraine finally head back to Maalt with Grand Guildmaster Jean Seebeck, the man Wolf asked them to retrieve.

Meanwhile, in Maalt, Rina has been training with Alize under Isaac’s guidance. Yet even with her newfound vampiric abilities, she remains an Iron-class adventurer, and being surrounded by so many capable individuals begins to erode her self-confidence. Thankfully, there’s a tried and tested cure for that: adventure!

While Rentt journeys back to Maalt, apprehensive of the trials that await him there, his junior in all things adventuring and vampiric faces a trial of her own. The curtain rises on The Unwanted Undead Adventurer volume 12!