
This Is Your Brain On Sex : The Science Behind the Search for Love


Why does love make us so crazy? Previously published as Dirty Minds, this is a lively and funny examination of the big questions about love and sex from the perspective of the latest brain science.

Philosophers, theologians, artists, and boy bands have waxed poetic about the nature of love for centuries. But what does the brain have to say about the way we carry our hearts? In the wake of a divorce, science writer and single mother Kayt Sukel focuses on the technological advances that enable a focused examination of the intricate dance our brains do with our environment and uses science to shed new light on humanity’s oldest question, “What is this thing called love?"

In each chapter of this lively, edgy adventure through the romantic brain, Sukel dives into the latest neuroscientific research concerning love and sex (even getting her brain scanned while having an orgasm) and what it really means for the way we approach our relationships.

THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON SEX asks age-old questions such as: What parts of the brain are involved with love? Is there really a “seven-year itch”? Why do good girls like bad boys? Is monogamy practical? How thin is that line between love and hate? Do mothers have a stronger bond with children than their fathers do? How do our childhood experiences affect our emotional control and who is at risk for love addiction? This book offers an entirely fresh approach, explaining all the ways the brain can make or break us in love.

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