
Why Managing Sucks and How to Fix It


Why Management Sucks and How to Fix It shows people how to look at everyday management and business problems. Authors Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler teach you to set clear goals and expectations. They talk about the importance of working on the endpoint as opposed to managing the process that gets you there and how to talk about the work without focusing on time and physical presence. The strategies in the book use the Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) mindset. With eyes set on getting rid of distractions, long meetings, and unnecessary updates, the book offers quick strategies that can be used every day. People can have success with the ROWE mindset even if theyre in a traditional work environment. The book will show you: How to reframe your thinking away from counting on general availability (Wheres Bob?) to creating clear expectations (Does Bob know exactly whats expected of him?) How to reduce the number of meetings while increasing their quality How to el

Sprecher*in: Kim McKean