The only mistake George Orwell made in his anti-utopia 1984 was the date. A lot of things that he described as if happening in 1984 can be observed in the nowadays world. However, he depicted the future that everyone should be afraid of at any time. The iconic story Animal Farm and the novel 1984 are his brightest works written in the anti-utopian genre that flourished in the 20th century. The pioneer of the anti-utopia is considered to be a Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, whose novel We influenced on the Orwell's works and not less famous Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World. And what is more, it was Orwell, who came up with an expression the Cold War.
George Orwell
George Orwell
audiobookbookAnimal Farm
George Orwell
Tony Evans, George Orwell
audiobookbookAnimal Farm (stage version) (NHB Modern Plays)
George Orwell
bookThe George Orwell Collection : 1984, Animal Farm, Down and Out in Paris and London, Poetry and Essays
George Orwell
audiobookThe Poetry of George Orwell
George Orwell
audiobookDown and Out in Paris and London
George Orwell
audiobookbookGeorge Orwell. 1984. Джордж Орвелл. 1984
George Orwell
audiobookLooking Back On The Spanish War
George Orwell
audiobook10 Masterpieces You Have to Read Before You Die, Vol. 1
Edgar Allan Poe, Herbert George Wells, Mark Twain, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, George Orwell, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Washington Irving, Francis Scott Fitzgerald
George Orwell