Sexual Addiction and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR)
Kadie McCourt
bookAutism Spectrum Disorder and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR)
Cathy Dodge Smith
bookTraumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and Primary Resolution of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Robert H. Moore
bookA Proposed Treatment Connection for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Ashley Doyle
bookSubstance Dependency, PTSD and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) in South Africa
Elca Erlank
bookLooking Through the Trauma Lens
Susan Sluiter
bookCritical Issues in Trauma Resolution
Frank A. Gerbode
bookBrief Treatment of Trauma-Related Symptoms in Incarcerated Females with Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR)
Pamela V. Valentine