A Templar Knight finds himself transported to a dangerous realm known as the Beastlands. With sinister entities known as The Masters hunting him down, all he has is his sword and a weird, goblin-like creature named Grimbel to guide him through this strange new world.
Vacances métalliques
Maribel Conejero, Erwann Surcouf, Thierry Martin, Jorg De Vos, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Loïc Locatelli, Eldiablo, Karl Johnsson, Corbeyran, Patrick Mallet, Branko Jelinek, Antoine Dodé, Daniel Blancou, Zoea, Diego Agrimbau, Matt Emmons, Gianluca Pagliarani, Alexis Mandeville, Jacques Després, Galaad, Christian Lachenal, Alexandre de Moté, Lolita Couturier, Thomas Ferroul, Yang Weilin, Natalia Velarde, Ruoyi Jin, Thomas Merceron
bookCrusader #3
Matt Emmons
bookCrusader #1
Matt Emmons