What are the most important things an investor needs to know when evaluating a prospective company? What questions do fund managers ask in meetings with the C-Suite that the lay shareholder won't ever learn? How do you short a stock properly without losing your shirt? These are a few of the most pressing questions investors must consider when approaching a potential buy or sell position. With insights culled from 15 years of experience writing for The Street, this book will help you make smarter investment decisions.Organized by topic, Kass' book on the markets will distill years of knowledge as a hedge fund manager and infamous short seller for savvy investors. Sharing anecdotes on his interactions with Wall Street's most famous names, from Buffett to Cramer to Cooperman, Kass will highlight tricks of the trade, essential value investor insight, and the secret to being a smart short. Topics include: Shorting like a pro Valuation Going against the grain Bubbles Bear investing Data versus instinct Momentum Interest rates, inflation, and the Fed
Doug Kass on the Market : A Life on TheStreet
- 7 books
James J. Cramer
James J. Cramer is host of CNBC’s Mad Money and cofounder of TheStreet.com. His many books include Confessions of a Street Addict, Jim Cramer’s Getting Back to Even, Jim Cramer’s Mad Money, Jim Cramer’s Real Money, Jim Cramer’s Stay Mad for Life.
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